Monday 23 September 2013

The  Response Poem

For this task I am inspired to write this poem as one of the way of answering the questions that Naomi Shihab Nye put forward in ‘All Things Not Considered’. Maybe things could turn for the right if we were to alter the whole things as to be considered. But in here I try to tell a bit about the existence of hope behind every trouble.

Consider only the Holy

No divine too sacred of language,
no divine inspire to writing blood,
as we not bare too of having another new,
that off hurting or killing,
though people in distance to get together,
still all can be wrong or right,
but no deepest water that have no bottom,
no darkest land untouched by light,
there will be the end of all black,
white clear as the water,
will flow crossing the believer of the holy.

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